PBX GUI system status shows memory problem

Q: PBX GUI system status shows yellow or red under "App Memory".  This appears to indicate I am out of memory.  Is this going to cause problems.

A: PBX GUI system status app memory indicator currently shows app memory + cached/buffered memory.  Technically, cached memory should be subtracted from used memory to get a more accurate indication of memory usage.  So most of the time this indication is not a problem.

To get a clearer picture of actual memory usage issue the following from a Linux command line in a console window.

free -mo

You should see something like the following:

[root@host ~]# free -mo
         total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:         256        249          6          0          0         85
Swap:          0          0          0


Subtract used from cached to get 249-85=164MB actual application memory used out of 256MB total.
So FreePBX system status is indicating the 249/256=97% used memory when actual usage is 164/256=64%.

UPDATE:  As of PBX GUI v2.10, system status now reports memory - cached so this should not be a problem anymore.

  • freepbx, status, memory

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